8/12/03 Chattooga River Trail to Lick Log

Chattooga River Trail Hwy. 28 to Lick Log Creek


hikers – John Bellamy, Terry Doyle, Jack Jacobi, Steve Jordan, Wayne Miller, Rick Porter-Whitmire, Bob Presley, Tony Presley,Dan Ross, Doug Russell, David Whitaker

Trail access – The parking lot is on the S.C. side of the HWY 28 Bridge at the Chattooga River. The Chattooga River Trail actually shares with the Bartram trail on this section.

Another beautiful hiking day! Partly Cloudy – humid – temperature ranged from 72-82 degrees F. Distance 9.6 miles r.t. easy with some gentle hills.

Wildflowers viewed – Partridge berries, Black-eyed Susans, Tall Sun Flowers, Showy Rattlesnake Plaintain, Cranefly Orchid, Spider Wort Spotted Jewel Weed, Joe Pye Weed, Starry Campion, Asiatic Day Flower, Heal All, Phlox, Yellow Fringed Orchid.

Fauna identified – Pileated Woodpecker, Veery, Carolina Wren.

The trail sign at the Hwy. 28 parking lot (SC side of bridge).
A nice walk through a lush forest
of White Pines, Hemlocks, and Hardwoods.
A good portion of the trail follows
along the banks of the Chattooga River.
At Lick Log Creek, you pass by
two waterfalls. This is the first falls.
The foot-bridge at Lick Log Creek.
The second falls at Lick Log Creek.
One of many huge White Pines along the trail!
We came across a beautiful Yellow Fringed Orchid.
Our group at Lick Log Creek (l-r) Terry Doyle, David Whitaker, Jack Jacobi, Wayne Miller, Rick Porter-Whitmire, John Bellamy, Dan Ross, Doug Russell, Steve Jordan, Tony Presley, and Bob Presley.