8/19/03 Bartram Trail Hwy 28 bridge

Bartram Trail – Hwy. 28 Bridge – Southward

August 19, 2003

hikers – John Bellamy, Terry Doyle, Steve Jordan, Wayne Miller, Rick Porter-Whitmire, Bob Presley, Tony Presley, Doug Russell, Bob Thompson.

Trail access – The parking lot is on the GA side of the HWY 28 Bridge at the Chattooga River. We hiked south toward Warwoman Dell.

Another beautiful hiking day! Partly Cloudy – humid – temperature ranged from 74-84 degrees F. Distance 10 miles r.t. easy with some gentle hills.

Wildflowers viewed – Cardinal Flower, Black-eyed Susans, Spider wort, Cranefly Orchid, Spotted Jewel Weed, Joe Pye Weed, Starry Campion, Asiatic Day Flower, Heal All, Phlox, Elephant’s Foot, Sneezeweed.

Fauna identified – Pileated Woodpecker, Veery, Crow, Carolina Wren.

The marker at the parking lot at GA Hwy. 28 bridge.
A peaceful morning view from the footbridge
across the West Fork Chattooga River.
We came across these Cardinal Flowers (Lobelia cardinalis)
about a mile into the hike.
A very old (antique) abandoned hay baler near an old
homestead on the banks of the Chattooga River.
Also near the old homestead is a tall pine forest
(mostly devastated by the Southern Pine Beetle).
All of the creeks and streams have nice footbridges.
A typical trail-side view of the Chattooga River.
Our group’s lunch-break photo. (5 miles out) (seated l-r) Bob Presley, Wayne Miller, and Steve Jordan.
(standing l-r) Tony Presley , Doug Russell, Rick Porter-Whitmire, Bob Thompson, John Bellamy, and Terry Doyle.