8/26/03 Shining Rock Mtn. – NC

Shining Rock Mtn. – Art Loeb Trail, NC

August 26, 2003

HIKERS – John Bellamy, Steve Jordan, Wayne Miller, Bob Presley, Tony Presley, Dan Ross, Doug Russell, Bob Thompson, David Whitaker, and the crew from Blue Ridge Outdoor Education Center (Director John DiDiego, Berkley Boone, Erin Buchinger, Kim Mann, Tara Novakowski, Kyle Rickert, and Melissa Rickert.) .

TRAIL INFO. – Shining Rock Mountain is located in the Pisgah National Forest and is accessed from the Blue Ridge Parkway in NC on the Art Loeb Trail. The parking lot is on Forest Service Road 816 near Parkway mile post 420. The trail led us over Black Balsam Knob (elevation 6,214 ft.), which has a spectacular 360 degree view, on across Tennent Mountain (6,040 ft.)and into the Shining Rock Wilderness through countless thousands of wild blueberry bushes to Shining Rock Mountain.

Another beautiful hiking day! A.M. Fair, P.M. Cloudy – temperature ranged from 72-84 degrees F. Distance 12 miles r.t. Moderately strenuous.

Wildflowers viewed – White Snakeroot, Filmy Angelica, Bluets, Black-eyed Susans, St. Johnswort, Fly Poison, Wood Aster, Golden Glow, Closed Gentian, Turtleheads, Bog Cranberries, Dodder, Black Cohosh, Spotted Jewel Weed, Joe Pye Weed, Heal All, and Phlox.

Fauna identified – Raven, Cedar Waxwing, Swallows, Blue Jay.

A marker for the Art Loeb Trail near the
Blueridge Parkway (near mile post 420).
Magnificent views as we work our way toward
the 6,214 ft. summit of Black Balsam Knob.
One of the views from the top!
There is a 360 degree view from here!
The view from Black Balsam over to Tennent Mountain.
On the horizon beyond Tennent, you can see Mt. Pisgah
in the haze (if you squint!).
Here we are working our way down Tennent Mtn. on to our
lunchtime destination (Shining Rock Mountain).
A typical view as we hike down the mountain.
Our lunchtime destination. One of the huge white
quartz rock faces of Shining Rock Mtn.
One of the nicest features of this hike is the easy access
to thousands of blueberry bushes with ripe berries!
Our group photo on top of Black Balsam Knob. Front (l-r)Kim Mann, Melissa Rickert, Kyle Rickert.
Middle (l-r)Steve Jordan, Jack Slaton, John DiDiego, Erin Buchinger, Bob Presley, Tara Novakowski, Bob Thompson, and Tony Presley.
back row (l-r)Doug Russell, David Whitaker, Wayne Miller, Dan Ross, Berkley Boone, and John Bellamy.