9/30/03 Bartram & A.T. – Wayah Bald, NC

Bartram & Appalachian Trail – Wayah Bald

September 30, 2003

HIKERS – John Bellamy, Jack Jacobi, Steve Jordan, Wayne Miller, Bob Presley,Tony Presley,Gerald Shedd,Bill Taylor, and David Whitaker.

TRAIL INFO. – Trail access – Sawmill Gap off of State highway 1310 (Wayah Road) A couple of miles past Wayah Crest – turn right onto the Sawmill Gap Road and continue another couple of miles to the Sawmill Gap sign.

Another beautiful hiking day! Fair skies – temperature ranged from 40-60 degrees F. We saw our first frost of the Fall! Hiking distance 8 miles (4 miles in and out).

Wildflowers viewed – Closed Gentian, Stiff Gentian, White Snakeroot, Wood Asters, other Asters, Goldernrods, Pale Jewell Weed, Filmy Angelica, Phlox, Joe Pye Weed, Heal All, Black-eyed Susans, White Yarrow, Black Cohosh, Horse Balm, Doll’s Eyes, Blue-bead Lily.

Fauna identified – White-breasted Nuthatch, Junco, Towhee, Blue Jay, Chipmunk.

Our parking spot.
This section of the Bartram Trail needs some weed-eating!
But, it is well-marked with yellow blazes.
The trail sign a little over half-way to our destination.
The Bartram joins the Appalachian Trail for a while.
The old rock tower on top of Wayah Bald provides awesome views.
Looking over to Standian Indian Mtn. and Albert Mtn.
Here, we look over to Siler Bald.
We saw several American Chestnut Trees at Wayah. This one
is larger than most and is sadly dying, but loaded with chestnuts!
The OFHC gang at Wayah Bald. (L-R) Jack Jacobi,
Wayne Miller, Tony Presley, John Bellamy, Bill Taylor,
Gerald Shedd, Steve Jordan, Bob Presley, and David Whitaker.