10/7/03 Yellow Mtn. Trail – NC

Yellow Mountain Trail – NC

October 7, 2003

HIKERS – John Bellamy, Steve Jordan, Wayne Miller, Rick Porter-Whitmire, Bob Presley,Tony Presley,Gerald Shedd,Jack Slaton, Dan Ross, Bob Thompson, and David Whitaker.

TRAIL INFO. – The Yellow Mountain Trail is located near Highlands, NC. Drive east on US 64 from Highlands 2.7 miles and turn left onto Buck Creek Road. Continue 2.3 miles up to Cole Gap. There is a sign and steps at the trail head on the right side of Buck Creek Road.

Another beautiful hiking day! Partly cloudy skies – temperature ranged from 58-65 degrees F. Hiking distance 10 miles with lots of elevation change. Great trail – recommended for experienced hikers.

Wildflowers viewed – Closed Gentian, White Snakeroot, Wood Asters, Goldernrods, Filmy Angelica, Phlox, Joe Pye Weed, Heal All, Blue-bead Lily.

Fauna identified – White-breasted Nuthatch, Pileated Woodpecker, Blue Jay, Raven, Orange salamander, Garter Snake.

The Trail head at Cole Gap.
Early in the hike, we notice a little bit of fall color starting to show up.
There are lots of nice views along the trail.
There are also lots of hills to climb.
Here, we work our way up Shortoff Mtn.
This is the old fire tower at the top of Yellow Mountain.
This was our lunch spot for the day.
Great views from the tower! Here we look northward into the Smokies.
Looking to the south to Whiteside Mtn. and beyond into Georgia.
After lunch – hiking back down Yellow Mtn.
The OFHC gang at Yellow Mountain. (front l-r) David Whitaker, Rick Porter-Whitmire and Gerald Shedd. (back l-r) Dan Ross, Jack Slaton, John Bellamy, Wayne Miller, Bob Thompson, Bob Presley,
Steve Jordan and Tony Presley.