12/2/03 Foothills Trail – Chatt. River

Foothills Trail – Lick Log – Chattooga River

December 2, 2003

HIKERS – John Bellamy, Terry Doyle, Steve Jordan, Wayne Miller, Tony Presley, Rick Porter-Whitmire, Dan Ross, Gerald Shedd, Bob Thompson, and David Whitaker.

TRAIL INFO. – We parked at the Lick Log parking lot (on Nicholson Ford Rd. off of SC HWY 28 north of Walhalla, SC) and hiked Northward on the Chattooga River / Foothills Trail toward Burrell’s Ford. Round trip 8 miles.

Another beautiful hiking day! Fair skies with temps ranging from 38-58 degrees F. This section of the Chattooga River Trail combines with the Foothills trail for most of the distance. Woodland trail with lots of large White Pine, Hemlock, Oak, Hickory, etc. and great views along the river!

The National Forest sign at the Lick Log parking lot.
About a half-mile into the hike, we passed by Lick Log Creek Falls.
The trail junction just past Lick Log Falls.
This huge Hickory tree has recently fallen over the trail here! We were amazed by the way it had shattered (splintered)!
Gerald “I aint scared” Shedd climbed
up into the tree to take a closer look!
We found some great places to do some rock-hopping along the river.
The Chattooga National Wild and Scenic River!
This is why they call it “Wild and Scenic!”
More Wild and Scenic!
Our “Wild but not so Scenic” group! Front (l-r)Rick Porter Whitmire, Gerald Shedd and Tony Presley. (back l-r) Terry Doyle, David Whitaker, Wayne Miller, Bob Thompson, Dan Ross, Steve Jordan and John Bellamy.