12/23/03 Chattooga River Trail – GA

Chattooga River Trail – Hwy. 76 – Rabun County, GA

December 23, 2003

HIKERS – Jack Jacobi, Bob Magee, Dan Miller, Wayne Miller, Bob Presley, Donna Presley, Tony Presley, Dan Ross, and Bob Thompson.

TRAIL INFO. – Our hike today began at the Highway 76 bridge parking lot on the GA side of the river. The Chattooga River Trail Northward led us past the very dangerous and deadly Bull Sluice rapids on a the very well maintained Chattooga River Trail. Often we could hear and see the Chattooga River which is designated a “National Wild and Scenic River”.

Another beautiful hiking day! Partly cloudy skies with temps ranging from 34-52 degrees F. This trail is rolling but not too strenuous. Distance today – 8+ miles

Fauna identified – White-tailed Deer, Pileated Woodpecker, Grey Squirrel.

The trail is nicely maintained with log steps and nice foot-bridges where needed. Here, “Jet” leads us up the trail!
Quite often you will walk by nice creeks and streams.
Here, we get a nice view of the Chattooga River.
Jet takes a “water break”.
A typical view of the river!
One of the signs marking the protected corridor of this “National Wild and Scenic River”.
We walk past a large rock cave on the banks of the Chattooga.
On the GA side of the river, we walk out on the huge rock mound at the dangerous rapids area called “Bull Sluice”.
There is a very loud roar produced by this violent turbulence known as Bull Sluice.
Sitting on a log at “Bull Sluice”.
Here is the OFHC gang at lunch by the campfire. (l-r seated) Jack Jacobi and Bob Magee. (l-r standing) Tony Presley, Dan Ross, Donna Presley and “Jet” Presley, Wayne Miller, Bob Thompson, Dan Miller, and Bob Presley.